Clarification Announcement

PC Securities Financial Group Limited (the “Group”) noted that recently there is a company named PCS Asset Management and a website named 寶鉅交易 (

The Group hereby clarifies that PCS Asset Management aforementioned is not the Group and does not have any relationship with the Group. In addition, PCS Asset Management is not a subsidiary or an associate of the Group, and the Group does not hold any interest in PCS Asset Management. To the best knowledge of the Group, the Group does not have any connection or cooperation with PCS Asset Management. Hence, the recruitment of PCS Asset Management is not related to our Group.

Further, the website of 寶鉅交易 is not holding and operating by our Group. Our Group wishes to remind our clients never access such fraudulent websites or provide any personal information to such fraudulent websites. Clients are reminded to ensure they are connected to a valid website. The Group website address is ( and the Securities Trading website is (

Our Group reserves all rights to pursue further legal actions.

If there are any queries, please contact our Customer Service Department.

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Menjadi perusahaan finansial dengan kemampuan dan reputasi yang kuat, selain menawarkan produk luar biasa dan layanan terbaik, berusaha keras untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan juga penting. PC Securities Financial Group secara aktif mendukung dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan amal Hong Kong, Singapura, Daratan dan bahkan seluruh dunia untuk berkontribusi pada masyarakat berdasarkan konsep "Mengambil dari masyarakat, memberikan kembali kepada masyarakat", terutama untuk acara amal pendidikan anak-anak. Acara amal yang didukung dan disponsori oleh PCSFG:

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